Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Miss Ashleigh came to see me yesterday, just one day before turning 4 months. She was wide awake for most of our session with only one very short cat-nap. Can't wait to see her again for her 6 months session

Monday, April 11, 2011


Where to start !!!! Malorie and her Mom along with little sis Lexi, and "Oliver" came from Mobile to spend Saturday afternoon with me , and we had a BLAST ! Three hours later and TOO many beautiful images to count ,we were done ! I didn't mind ONE BIT giving up my Saturday afternoon to shoot her senior portraits .... these images are more than worth every minute !!

Lesley & Rusty

My sweet, beautiful Lesley .... I have known her since she was a little girl, and am so proud of her and the woman she has become ! I don't know of anybody that Feb. 18 and April 29 mean as much to as the two of us ! In little more than a week, she and her husband Rusty will be the proud parents of a baby girl that I am sure will be every bit as beautiful as her Mom !

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


FINALLY my child got her braces off!!!!! and just in time to snap a few images this week-end to assure she gets in her Senior yearbook, and if things go as planned , she has decided she wants to finish up with a few beach shots!

Allison - Casual

We finished up Allisons session with her outdoor casuals yesterday, we has a few "sprinkles" and BOY was it windy ! A few hours after we finished we had one of the most severe thunderstorms we have have had in a long time !

Friday, April 1, 2011


We finished up my beautiful, sweet Shanda's Senior portraits on an absolutely PERFECTLY cloudy overcast day. here are a few of my faves


Another beautiful PHS student, Allison needed headshots for a pageant and decided to do a full session . here are a few of my FAVE headshots, I will be posting a sneak-peek from the rest of her session on Monday afternoon