Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snow In South Alabama!

I don't think anybody believed that if we got snow AT ALL we would get enough to amount to much. Certainly never expected it to snow ALL DAY and end up with 4-6 inches, but on Friday February 12, 2010 we got just that!!It was BEAUTIFUL!


Alle said...

have to admit it is very beautiful. It has snowed here in Portland Or, the last 4 years but almost nothing this year I do love the snow in moderation =)

PrincessDipti said...

aww.. love the snow..
hey dear.. wud u mind if i'll say that plz leave some comments on any of my blog posts? not in the chatterbox.. but in the blog posts itself.. if u dont mind.. i need it for my grade. :) thanks a lot..

Anonymous said...

Thats amazing that much of snow you guys got, Utah still waiting for snow.